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Características & Aplicaciones

  • Lugares de trabajo más seguros: ayuda a reducir la fatiga del hombro y el cuello del operario que producen las tareas sobre cabeza al reducir la tensión física
  • Captación y retención de los mejores miembros del equipo: los exoesqueletos de construcción contribuyen al bienestar de la plantilla al ayudar a reducir las pérdidas de trabajo a causa de las bajas por lesiones que generan las condiciones de trabajo más exigentes
  • Diseño práctico e intuitivo: diseño que facilita la colocación, el ajuste y la limpieza en las condiciones del lugar de trabajo
  • Producto para el uso durante todo el día: libertad de movimientos con un peso de tan solo 2,3 kg, el EXO-S es uno de los exoesqueletos de hombro más ligeros actualmente disponible
  • Producto personalizable: posibilidad de añadir un soporte para el cuello para una mayor descarga durante las tareas sobre cabeza más exigentes
  • Producto perfecto para tareas sobre cabeza continuas o repetitivas, con o sin necesidad de utilizar herramientas
  • Instalación de tabiques secos: fijación de carriles a techos y paredes, roscado, suspensión y atornillado
  • Desbaste y lijado de superficies: acabado de paredes/techos
  • Tareas de instalación sobre cabeza: colocación de tuberías, aspersores, conductos de aire, conductos, bandejas de cables y carriles

Datos Técnicos

Documentos & Videos

Exo-s Overhead Exoskeleton

EXO-S shoulder exoskeleton suit

Redefine overhead work with Hilti's upper-body exoskeleton

Help relieve the strain on your workforce and keep your projects and worksites running smoothly with the upper-body EXO-S exoskeleton suit. Our passive (non-motorized) exoskeleton provides ergonomic support. This helps reduce neck and shoulder pain resulting from repetitive or static tasks above shoulder level such as sanding, grinding or the installation of drywall, channels or pipes.



Prevention is always better than cure

Having to take time off-work due to health problems does not only result into cost of sick leave, it may also impact well-being of those affected and their families. Three out of five workers in the EU report musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), which are persistent pain preventing people to work or participate in society. Suffering from MSD might even lead to early retirement which adds to the social responsibility of an employer. Reducing the risk during manual handling helps to prevent MSD – because prevention is always better than cure!


Reduce stress on shoulders by up to 60% with our passive exoskeleton

The EXO-S is designed for universal use on construction jobs which require working with hands above shoulder height. It's built to withstand the toughest jobsite conditions, and uses mechanical cable pulling technology to shift shoulder load to your hips. This helps to reduce the strain on your shoulders by up to 60%.

Wearing it during highly strenuous tasks can help prevent wear and tear on your upper body to reduce the risk of sick leave.


Interior Finishing

  • Suspended ceiling
  • Ceiling and wall sanding
  • Painting
  • Insulation

Building Construction

  • Finishing (grinding)
  • Heavy drilling (bridges, rebar)
  • Slab formwork


  • Piping (HVAC)
  • Sprinkler 
  • Air duct installation


  • Drilling overhead
  • Cable fixation overhead
  • IT infrastructure

Lightweight and compact design

Won't restrict natural movement so you can work comfortably all day

The EXO-S supports natural movement of the arms and comes at a light weight of only 2.4 kg. Due to it's compact design, it can be worn all day and does not restrain arm movement in any position. No power source is needed, making it always ready to use!

PROTECT YOUR TEAMS AND your bottom line

Show that safety counts to help you attract and retain skilled labour

In a time where the construction industry is experiencing a labour shortage, the EXO-S can help keep your team healthier and safer. The exoskeleton suit helps to minimize risks to your workforce, and by providing a safer workplace you can attract and retain a skilled workforce.

Deliver projects on time by reducing sick leave and its direct or indirect costs to your business.